Policemen play matchmakers, pacify estranged lovers to tie knot
The newly-weds did not forget to thank the men in uniform who had played the perfect matchmakers.

New Delhi : When one talks of policemen, the general impression is of tough-talking men ever busy looking for ways to outsmart the smartest of criminals.
However, for a young woman and her boyfriend in Delhi, who were estranged for some reason, the policemen played the perfect matchmakers to get them hitched for life after pacifying them.
South-East DCP RP Meena said that the 24-year-old woman had approached Govindpuri police station to lodge a complaint about injuries she had suffered. However, police officials soon realised that the injuries were self-inflicted.
The police staff’s conversation with the woman soon revealed it was a case of a love affair gone sour: She was in love with a 28-year-old man who refused to marry her after a relationship of three years due to some misunderstanding.
Govindpuri police was obviously on the horns of a dilemma: Whether to register the woman’s complaint and let the law follow its course, or try for a rapprochment between the estranged couple and let them take a second shot at their relationship. They chose the second option.
“We invited the families of both to the police station for mediation. After a long counselling session, both sides agreed to solemnise their marriage,” DCP Meena said.
Finally, the couple tied the knot at an Arya Samaj Mandir in Delhi on Monday. And in the fitness of things, the newly-weds did not forget to thank the men in uniform who had played the perfect matchmakers.
The couple visited the police station to seek their blessings. And the staff at the police station was happy to see their efforts had not gone waste as they met the happy couple.
Both were showered with gifts, not to mention the conduct of the ‘kanyadaan’ ritual by good Samaritan policemen.